"In learning to know other things, and other minds, we become more
intimately acquainted with ourselves, and are to ourselves better worth
knowing." ~ Philip Gilbert Hamilton~

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Castles, Queens, and Weddings

First off, I would like to apologize for the delay in blog entries.  As anyone who has ever been swamped in work can tell you when you are in the zone of writing papers it is a little hard to stay on top of other things (i.e. blogs).  I have not been neglecting the blog, I promise, I have just been doing papers, papers, and more papers.  But have no fear, a new entry is here, and I am going to try to update it more frequently- either weekly or bi-weekly.
Windsor Castle

I am sure as you all know there will be a royal wedding on April 29th of this year and the event is sure to have all the pomp and circumstance that one would expect from a royal wedding, especially since there hasn’t been such an event since the early 80s.  The question then becomes- to go or not to go?  Now I am not one of those people that are going to camp out the night before to ensure that I have a good spot- I know people that would, even some in my own family (Emily) but that has never been my style.  Which means I will have to go the day of and try to fight the crowds and get a spot where I can see something of what is going on that does not involve the back of a bunch of people’s heads.  Upon seeking the advice of others, including my grandmother, people have basically told me that I should go just to say that I went even if I see absolutely nothing.  And what is the fun in that?  But who knows-I may still go- and it is very likely that I may wake up on the 29th and suddenly decide I am in the mood to see the wedding, as I am one of those people.  Not very often, but every once in a while I make a split second decision that leaves everyone baffled, shaking their heads, and telling me that I should have made my decision earlier as it would have been easier.  I have realized though just from being over here that people in the US want to know a lot more about the royals than the British do, probably because they live with royalty whereas we still treat it as a novelty, but we only want to know when something big is going on (like a wedding) then we are set to ride the royal train for a long as it will take us.

St. George's Chapel- Where Henry VIII is buried
The other I went to see Windsor Castle, a glorious residence that serves as a weekend home, and I was just amazed.  I told my mother that I was born in the wrong family and that I would be more than happy to live in the castle.  I was only half-kidding, I do love my family but I would also love a castle.  Back to Windsor- a wonderful, stately home in which people from all over the world come and admire and think to themselves (I could live here), but could I live in the bubble?  Yes, most girls want the castle, but most don’t want the scrutiny that comes with constant watch by everybody that ensures almost nothing in your life is your own anymore.  It is the same with our President, who I guess is the closest that we could picture as being royal.  In an interview the other day he said that one of the things he missed the most was spontaneous conversations, because he did not feel as though he could have a spontaneous conversation and for some reason that saddened me.  Regardless of who you are, be it Queen or President, everyone should have some measure of their life that they are able to call their own that no one else can encroach.  This is especially true for people like me, who have been known to do things that may be considered a little off-kilter, as I do not want those things to be projected in the media for everyone to see and interject their opinions and make a comment about.  So while I would LOVE to live in the castle (and I do mean LOVE) I think I will keep my private life private for now thanks.

“You make kingdoms and castles on your own” ~ Stephan Jenkins
Who can resist?  Me, Firuzan, and Melis with a castle guard

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